Sychronicity is what brought Ioka and us together..
Ioka is Project Coordinator, Outreach and Partnerships and we have so many common interests that we had to stop counting! Ioka is researching topics that are core to the Taking Action! project: removing access barriers of disabled children and their families to facilitate early audience engagement. I told her my personal story of museum experience before engaging in my artist career (boredom and social phobia) and how much that changed after I got the right support to engage.
So much of disabled people's lives could be different - the "right support at the right time" is what matters - it is about re-channeling existing resources and people towards identifying the gifts and strengths of a disabled person, as well as what they are passionate about - and then maximising the efforts to achieve engagement via these channels. More to come on this as we are in the process of updating our Teacher Manual on these topics!!!
Time for goodbyes... after having timetabled our next meeting!!!
It is so cool to see how interested people are in the project!!!