The Waikato Sunrise Rotary meeting this morning was truly amazing! I felt so much support from this audience - good people who truly care about the impact they can make in their community. Annick talked about the family journey and about how we are going about developing the Taking Action! project. People were interested and asked lots of deep questions - after the meeting some shared personal experiences and we learnt heaps. With their support we have raised enough money to make an additional seven presentations in Hamilton!! I will enjoy planning these new visits and taking new people through some reflective paths about the genuine wish of people with disabilities to contribute to society.
Special thanks to Paul Street who set up this session and definitely went the extra mile by picking us up (our truck broke down yesterday yikes!), to David Natzke who organised it and to Dr. Michael Kaplan who introduced our session with such heart!
It was well worth waking up at the crack of dawn!!